

Green Lacewing Mail In Certificate -2000 eggs

The natural enemy of many species of pests, insects and mites, the Green Lacewings are shipped as eggs that will soon hatch into larvae.

The tiny larvae are known as “Aphid Lions” because of their voracious appetites (devouring as many as 1,000 aphids per day). They remain as larvae for up to 21 days, just crawling around looking for food. 

Aphid Lions also make hearty meals of Mealybugs, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, leaf hoppers, whitefly larvae, a wide variety of moth eggs and just about any other soft-bodied pests. 

The adult only feeds on pollen, but it will immediately begin laying eggs, and the life cycle will repeat.

This certificate is for 2000 eggs to be mailed directly to you.