UCP Seguin Grown Herbs & Veggie Plants now online!

UCP Seguin Grown Herbs & Veggie Plants now online!

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SuperThrive One Quart Concentrate

SUPERthrive is a highly concentrated, non-toxic vitamin solution enhanced with kelp that builds vigor of all varieties of greenery for home gardeners and professionals. 

Secure your transplants, revive stressed plants and produce abundant yields with Superthrive. 

It is equally suited for hydro-seeding, hydroponics, and foliar spraying. 

The unique, non-toxic vitamin solution encourages the natural building blocks that plants make for themselves when under the best conditions, fortifying growth from the inside out.

Solution  Generations of home gardeners and professionals trust its timeless, proprietary formula.

Use in tandem with your nutrient regimen.

One Quart bottle can make hundreds of gallons of solution.

Directions and solution amounts on bottle.